Please join us for free food and welcome drinks at the Norfolk NEU Gathering OGM 2nd May at City Academy Norwich 299 Bluebell Rd, Norwich NR4 7LP@ 7pm
We are lucky to be joined by Jon Biddle who will talk about Patrons of Reading.
Jon is a senior teacher at Moorlands Primary Academy, Belton, and has a passion for developing genuine reading cultures in schools. He is the 2018 winner of the Egmont Reading for Pleasure Experienced teacher award and coordinates the national Patron of Reading initiative, which supports authors and poets in developing relationships with schools.
Ofsted and Norfolk County are promoting reading for pleasure and adult-led reading.
Jon is a member of the UKLA National Council, a regular contributor to the Open University Reading For Pleasure website and a reviewer for Books for Keeps and Just Imagine. He has recently spoken at the UKLA National Conference and the SLA Annual conference about the importance of reading in schools.
Please see the attached agenda. Reports, motions and related documents can be found at;
Any questions, please do not hesitate
We will also reimburse any childcare or travel expenses to come to Norwich. Let us know how much you have had to pay for childcare and travel on the evening