Health & Safety
Teacher Mental Health Issues
The NEU has developed its guidance to help school reps.persuade their governors on the importance of this. Guidance can be found on the NEU website. I have an electronic copy, which I can forward to those who wish it.
Expect Respect Poster
This is a follow up to the current poster warning parents etc that they must not abuse staff in schools.
Occupational Health
We have been informed of members who are not happy with how the new ‘occupational health interviews’ are being conducted. For many, telephone interviews are not appropriate. If you are referred to Occupational Health let us know so we can help you prepare for it.
E-Safety – Protecting School Staff
The NEU has published advice on how school staff can protect themselves from becoming targets of cyberbullies, as well as how schools should respond to incidents. A model policy is included which Governing Bodies should be invited to adopt where an equivalent policy is not already in place.
All school unions, teachers and support staff, are co-operating in a survey of school staff’ s knowledge of the presence and management of asbestos in their schools. We are asking every school to respond to the survey, even if ( or probably especially if) your answer to each question is ‘ Don’ t know’ .
Why is this so important? Did you know that, ‘ according to the latest official figures, at least 272 teachers have died from asbestos-related cancer caused by exposure to the substance which is still contained in 90% of Britain’ s 25,000 schools.’
In the last Five years 64 teachers have officially been seen to die of asbestos exposure. As asbestos is usually a slow acting killer are these figures just the tip of the iceberg?
I do not want to panic school staff but we need to let the Government know that we demand action to remove this threat to staff and pupils in our schools.
A report on this problem was completed in July 2010 but has been withheld from publication.
So the vital question is – Do you know where there is asbestos in your school and do you know how it is being managed safely?
It is in the interests of all that all staff are aware of the Asbestos Management Plan for your school. Are you Asbestos aware?