1265 Hours Directed Time & Directed Time Calculators (Files can be found below)
Directed Time (or Working Time) does not apply to Headteachers, Deputy Headteachers, Assistant Headteachders, Advanced Skills teachers, Fast Track teachers.
It does apply to full time teachers. Teachers who are part time have Directed Time in proportion to their part time hours, e.g. a teacher contracted for 0.5 fte would have 632.5 hours Directed Time, etc.
Directed Time must be taken during the 195 days per academic year that full time teachers are available to work, pro rate for part time teachers.
A teacher shall not be required under his contract as a teacher to undertake midday supervision, and shall be allowed a break of reasonable length either between school sessions or between the hours of 12 noon and 2.00pm.
A teacher shall work such additional hours as may be needed to enable him to discharge effectively his professional duties, including, in particular, the marking of pupils’ work, the writing of reports on pupils and the preparation of lessons, teaching material and teaching programmes. The amount of’ time required for this purpose beyond the 1265 hours and the times outside the 1265 specified hours at which duties shall be performedshall not be defined by the employer but shall depend upon the work needed to discharge the teacher’s duties.
Directed time can take up to 1265 hours in a year NOT MORE!
What is included in Directed Time – 1265 hours
- Teaching
- Planning and preparing courses and lessons
- Assessing, recording and reporting on the development, progress and attainment of pupils
- Promoting the general progress and well-being of pupils in their care
- Providing guidance and advice to pupils on educational and social matters
- Making records and reports on personal and social needs of pupils
- Communicating and consulting with parents
- Communicating with bodies outside of school as necessary
- Participating in Appraisal
- Undertaking professional development
- Participating in the schools preparation and development of courses, teaching material, methods of teaching and assessment
- Participating in meetings which relate to curriculum, administration or organisation, including pastoral arrangements
- Cover for absent staff as required up to a maximum of 38 hours (subject to the rarely cover agreement)
- If the teacher has a management responsibility to undertake that role
What is NOT included in Directed Time
- Travelling to and from work
- Lunch Break
Below are two files to download. Both excel files may need you to imput your hours, form and time spent. Teachers times will vary but this may give you an idea of how many hours you are actually working.
Directed time calculator
NEU Part time pay and working time calculator